Stanmart Film Services have offered green screens & blue screen solutions for over 40 years.

Digi & Chromakey Paints

Digital Green Paint

Green Screens – Stand Solutions

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green screens

Fluoro Tapes

Green Screen Cards

The Digi Green/Blue Chromakey Card is an essential tool for filmmakers, photographers, and content creators seeking to unlock the creative potential of chromakey technology. This portable, high-quality card is specifically designed for use in digital environments, offering unparalleled precision and versatility in post-production editing.

Key Features:

  1. Vibrant Color Accuracy: The Digi Green/Blue card provides a consistently vivid and accurately saturated green or blue color that ensures seamless background removal during post-processing.
  2. Durability: Crafted from robust materials, this card is built to withstand repeated use in both studio and on-location settings, making it a reliable choice for professional productions.
  3. Portability: Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to transport and set up, allowing for hassle-free chromakey shots anywhere you need them.
  4. Universal Compatibility: Whether you’re working with high-end digital cameras, smartphones, or DSLRs, the Digi Green/Blue Chromakey Card is compatible with a wide range of devices.
  5. Versatile Applications: Ideal for creating captivating special effects, virtual backgrounds, and composite scenes in film, television, photography, and live streaming.

Ex-Rental Discounted Blue & Green Screens

The time has come where we have to get rid of the old and in with the new! We still have a range of ex-rental Green and blue screens for Sale. Please not that stocks may vary so it is best to call ahead and make sure – 02 9417 3000

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